Friday 21 August 2015

How to get and rock free 3gb mtn

Image result for 2go 3gb
How to get free 3gb mtn

-- If you already tweaked the free mtn 60mb posted long time ago kindly dail *559*6# to check your 3gb

-- Those that are yet to tweak theirs should use this IMEI  864981012824179 then in
SMS format send "lyte" to 131  or  "Nokia" to 131 you will be awarded with free 60mb+3gb 2go subscription valid for 30days.

How To Power The 3gb With Simple Server
Android Users
> No much stories to talk about just Open your simpleserver then change the 
-- Injection Query/URL

 -- Inject host

    Phone APN Settings 
Just add :- IP:  and Port:8080.

- See more at:

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