Monday 24 August 2015

Enjoy GLO Unlimited MB, Works On All pressly.

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Glo Subscriber gonna Enjoy this Lovely
Freebies that rocks on all devices Without any
Ish… Its Glo 500MB With Just 100 naira

At this time if You Still find it difficult to Do
100Naira free Browsing ish that shows You
need real deliverance my Blooda.. For God
sake all Tweak cnt be 100% Free, You need to
spend to get some tweak done..

How to subscribe for 500mb with just N100
valid for 7 days

>> Make Sure You have to 100N airtime On
Your Glo Sim Card

After that Send 500 to 7070 and N100 will be
deducted from Your Account..
After some minutes You will get notification
saying “Your subscription has been purchased
to activate send PAYU to 127″ send it if you
like its not necessary..

After that Dial #122*22# to check your MB..
Note : It’s valid for 7 days
Invite Your Friends Here.

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